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More than one entry is allowed per member. The winner of each category will receive a certificate and a "museum quality" fossil reproduction created by one of our very own members, Glen Kuban.

There will be 7 "regular" and 2 "special" competitive display categories. It is very important to remember that the fossils entered in the 7 "regular" categories must all come from the same field trip and must have been collected during the calendar year "2019". Fossils collected prior to the year 2019, and then finally prepped during the year 2019, are not eligible for the 7 regular display categories

There are also 2 special categories.  Those categories are: Best Collection - Common Theme and Best Collection - Open Competition. These two special categories have special rules that are listed under numbers 5 & 9 below.    

1. Best Collection - 2019 Club Trip (entry must contain only specimens collected in 2019 from a single trip)

2. Best Collection - 2019 Non-Club Trip (entry must contain only specimens collected in 2019 from a single trip)

3. Best Fossil - 2019 Club Trip (entry must be a specimen collected in 2019, the fossil can be displayed alone or
                                                         displayed in a collection of any other category, and only one Best Fossil can be
                                                         entered by each member in each of the 2 best fossil categories)

4. Best Fossil - 2019 Non-Club Trip (entry must be a specimen collected in 2019, the fossil can be displayed
                                                                  alone or displayed in a collection of any other category, only one Best Fossil
                                                                 can be entered by each member in each of the 2 best fossil categories)

5. Best Collection - Common Theme (collection may be a composite of fossils from multiple sites under a
                                                                    designated theme, it may contain specimens from past years, individual
                                                                    fossils collected prior to 2019 are not eligible for the best fossil categories
                                                                    listed above)

6. Best Collection - 2019 Youth (ages 13 or under - entry must contain only specimens collected in 2019 from a
                                                           single trip)

7. Best Paleo Art - Adult (age 14 or older, entry may be an artwork created in any year)

8. Best Paleo Art - Youth (age 13 or younger, entry may be an artwork created in any year)

9. Best Collection - Open Competition (collection of fossils from a single site, it may contain specimens from past
                                                                       years, individual fossils collected prior to 2019 are not eligible for the best
                                                                       fossil categories listed above)

Voting: Each entry is entered under a category. All displays entered will have a number. The ballot sheet has the categories and a space to write one number next to each category.  Members will vote by picking and writing the number of the entry that they feel is the best in each category.

Because of the complexity of the voting and the knowledge needed to judge the entries, there is an age limit for voting.  All those voting must be 10 years of age and older.

The Dots: The Best Fossil - Club Trip will have a red dot with the number on it. The Best Fossil - Non Club Trip will have a yellow dot with a number on it. A Best Fossil entry could be a single fossil within a displayed collection or it might be displayed all by itself. When a Best Fossil is displayed within a collection it probably will not have the same number as the entered collection because the Best Fossil category is a separate category. To vote for a Best Fossil one must walk around the room and look at all the fossils with a colored dot attached.
Fossil Display Categories
& Important Information
© 2009-2022 North Coast Fossil Club
The North Coast Fossil Club and individual contributors
reserve the rights to all information, images, and content presented here on this website.